
Friday, November 2, 2012

30 Days of Thanks - Day 1

So I see everyone jumping on the 30 days of thankful thing and I decided to hop on. If anything, it will remind me of all I have in my life and remind me to be appreciative of even the smallest things. Because to be honest, we all forget, we all get busy, we all get bogged down in our daily lives. So here begins my little journey of thanks.

Nov 1 – Day 1

I’m thankful I have consistent internet service once again. It may sound trivial but I’ve gone through months of intermittent service. It played havoc with me trying to work on my home business and I felt completely disconnected. I don’t have a smart phone, just a little work flip phone so I truly was living in a black hole when I was away from my office. Call me cheap but the truth is I can’t add an extra $50-$75 to my list of monthly bills. So after no resolution after months of going through the proper channels I finally wrote a nice long email to asking for resolution or for them to pay for me to get set up with Direct TV. Amazingly, they jumped on it and put me in touch with a local supervisor who worked diligently for over a month to get to the root of the problem. And he did. And I’m once again very happy with Comcast. So to you Dan the Comcast supervisor; I’m thankful to you for stepping up and working to solve a long-time customer’s service problem.

1 comment:

  1. I like your blog and posts!!! Thank you for sharing I look forward to reading more of your thankfullness stuffffsss
