
Monday, September 6, 2010


A few years back, a coworker (now a good friend) would always acknowledge the time 11:11 when she would see it on her digital clock in the office. Now I'm not sure if she made a wish, said a prayer, chanted voodooisms or what but she would be silent and then kiss her finger and place her finger to the face of the digital clock. Now, my friend is a little quirky and fun so I didn't make much of it. Her doing this didn't strike me as odd, just something unique about her. I'd never seen anyone else ever do anything like that, I just figured she liked that number or something.

11:11 has been appearing to me with some frequency since Al passed away. I didn't think much of it at first. I'd happen to glance at the clock on my microwave at just the right moment and it would show 11:11. While at work, without realizing the time, I'd look at the lower corner of my computer screen and it would show 11:11. I'd by lying in bed trying to get to sleep and would open my eyes and glance at my clock and it would show 11:11. This began to happen pretty frenquently. Because I don't sleep very well, I try very hard not to look at the clock when I'm in bed because I tend to freak out when I realize the time and that I haven't slept. Typically I will forceably keep my eyes shut and roll over or change positions but sometimes I feel compelled to look at the clock. Those are often the times that it will read 11:11.

I've started to think that possibly these are little messages from Al. (Yeah, yeah, I know...she's really stretching it with these signs now) It's just become too coincidental and too frequent for me to think anything else.

Lesley's birthday was on Saturday. We planned a surprise birthday dinner for her with the help of her husband Trevor. He was to keep her out of the house all day and bring her home to their house with her whole family waiting for her inside with her favorite Thanksgiving meal. Well during the day while doing various little errands to make this happen I was thinking how Al would have loved doing this and how nice it would have been to have him here for her first birthday without him. It made me a little sad to be honest with you. I glanced over at the digital clock display on my dash and of course, it was 11:11. Sure felt like Al telling me he was would be there with all of us to wish Les a happy birthday.

So I got to thinking about this 11:11 thing tonight and decided to look it up on the internet. Turns out there are quite a few sites devoted to frequent occurances of 11:11 in people's lives. One site says 11:11 is the trademark prompt from our spirit guardians or Midwayers. It's their way of letting us know they are with us. Basicallly, it signals a spiritual presence.

I know we read in to things what we want to get out of them. But I'm okay with that. I like to believe that Al and I were so connected in life that he continues to stay with me and send me little messages. To be honest, I don't know what I'll do when the signs from Al slowly stop coming. Until then I'll take all the signs he wants to send my way.

As I wrap this up and glance at the little clock in the lower right corner of my computer screen I see that it reads 11:11. This was SO not planned in any way, shape or form. I think it's totally fitting and appropriate that I post this little tidbit at 11:11. Thanks honey, I feel your presence and I love you too.


  1. For some reason, this reads as having posted at 10:23. That's the time I started writing my post. I actually finished it and posted it just as I 11:11.

  2. I think Dad does send you signs. You bond is so strong that it continues every day. I wish I got all the signs you do. I really miss Dad all the time, especially on my birthday. Thank you for
    sharing your thoughts, even if you risk sounding BSC (bat shit crazy)!
