
Sunday, June 19, 2011

On this Father's Day...

What I know for certain:
• Becoming a father changed Al’s life completely and fully.
• He could gut and field dress a deer yet faint at the site of a removed mole on a sterile tray. But he was there in the room at my side when each of our children were born. No fainting, just tears of joy.
• He enjoyed the times when it was just him and the kids but what he really loved were those one on one times when it was just him and one of the three. Some very special memories were formed during those times.
• He loved that Marshall was a true boy…playing golf, hunting and playing sports.
• He beamed with pride as he attended Marshall’s soccer, baseball, basketball and football games through youth leagues and high school.
• That same pride was there as he watched his girls perform in their cheerleading squads.
• Watching little miss independent Alison tool around in the backyard oblivious to anything else going on around her made him laugh out loud.
• When Lesley was just a toddler with glasses, he made sure to show her that he wore glasses too and told her that it was cool to wear glasses like him.
• His face actually hurt after a trip to Disneyland because he smiled so much as he watched the kids’ reaction to everything Disney.
• He was so proud that his kids could hold their own and would never back down from a fight.
• His opinionated and “asshole-ish” ways are ingrained in and a part of our children and he LOVED that they are their father’s children so to speak.
• He loved the fact that all three of his kids have a healthy respect for firearms but still feel the rush and joy when shooting.
• Sports were a huge part of who he was and all three of them have that same love for those same teams and are die-hard fans for life.
• He always wanted to do more for his family and it was heartbreaking for him when he felt he couldn’t provide everything that the kids’ friends had and he thought he was letting them down.
• He stood up for his kids no matter what just as they stood up for him.
• Through all the trials and tribulations of life, he knew how much he was loved.
• During the last 7 or 8 years of his life, he worked harder and longer than his body would allow but he did it anyway.
• His body let him down in many ways but his heart never did…..nor did his children.

Happy Father’s Day to the father of my children.
"Sometimes the poorest man leaves his children the richest inheritance."
~ Ruth E. Renkel

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