It's late on Sunday night and I'm finishing up my laundry to get ready for the week that lies ahead. I layed several articles of clothing on my bed and put them on hangers. The mundane task seemed almost rote as I hung them in my closet. I've started to totally overtake the large closet Al and I shared. I've been unable to completely clean out his things. His shirts, pants and shoes still take their familiar place in our closet. I hung my items up and turned to look at his various sports t-shirts, golf shirts and those hideous retro pink and green button up shirts he loved so much. The urge hit me to take them all in my hands and bury my nose in them, really expecting nothing since my sense of smell isn't the most defined. But there it was; the unmistakable scent of my husband. We didn't always wash each item of clothing he wore since he wore things fairly briefly. Just to go to an appointment, out with me or to perform some other errand. So when I gathered those clothes in my hands tonight, there it was. Al. I've read and seen things on TV where people smell their loved ones scent after they're gone. I thought it was bogus but it's not. The scent is there, you don't notice it while they're living since it's a part of your everyday life. But when that person you loved so much is gone, there is no denying it. Their scent lingers and it envelopes you. My kids and I have decided that we'll take those t-shirts, golf shirts and hideous pink and green retro shirts he loved so much and have a few "t-shirt quilts" made. I just need to actually take the shirts out of my closet but I'm putting it off. Things are slowly changing in my home, there are fewer and fewer reminders of his daily life. I took all his prescriptions out of his medicne cabinet in the bathroom recently. Now it sits practically empty except for a few different vitamin bottles that sit on the top shelf.
The contents of my refrigerator and pantry have changed as well. Al's favorite things aren't there anymore. My husband was a pretty simple guy but was very set in his ways. I like to cook and experiment with different recipes. But again, Al was very set in his ways. He didn't like it when I'd change up a recipe or spring something new on him. He would always tell me, "Kathy, I'm an old fuddy-duddy and I know what I like. Just stick with what you know I like and we'll be fine." and that was something I loved about him. I'm wondering if I'll ever make chile rellenos again. It's a dish that you pretty much have to serve as soon as they come out of the frying pan. I loved making them for him and bringing them to him hot and fresh on a plate with homemade refried beans. It was one of his favorite things. Chile rellenos....beans....part of the sweet smell of love & home.
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