I planted a very small container garden this past spring/summer and was pretty hopeful despite a lifelong brown thumb. Granted, the two different varieties of tomatoes died within weeks but that made me even more diligent in taking care of my green charges. Well, at least for a few months. But then my busy work and social schedule pushed its way to the forefront causing me to pay less attention to my little garden than I should have. It probably doesn't help that the plants are on my front porch and I rarely use the front door.

It seems my plants have been a little forgiving and are thriving quite well. I've been told mint is virtually impossible to kill so its survival shouldn't be surprising. But my dwarf peach tree is still green and still has plenty of leaves on it. My dwarf pomegranate tree is getting quite tall and has about a half dozen fruit on it.
It brings a smile to my face when I look at those hardy, thriving plants....when I remember to look.
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