Nov 2 – Day 2
I’m thankful for friends; friends that can be counted on and would never steer you wrong. Brian Bradley is one of those friends. Brian has been in my life for over 30 years and has been an integral part of my life. My husband’s best friend and everyone’s favorite uncle. Brian was just a kid when we met him (heck, so was I). Al hired him when we came out to Tucson to help open a restaurant with another friend. A fast friendship developed between Al and Brian and continued on for many years through thick and thin, through good times and bad, through times of elation and joy as well as times of extreme sorrow and sadness.
Among other things, Brian has always made sure my family is well taken care of when it comes to vehicles. He has been in the car business forever and has always made sure we were given the best deals when it comes to vehicle repairs and purchasing new/used cars and trucks. So when my Avalon finally saw its last day, with Brian’s guidance and assistance I purchased a new car. I’m really not sure I could have done it without him. He paved the way for me and his salesmen would never take advantage of me because of the respect they have for Brian. I was reminded of this again today when I took my car to the body shop he recommended. He put me in touch with the owner, a personal friend of his and I know that I will be completely taken care of and treated fairly and respectfully. With Al gone, car stuff is scary for me and Brian makes it not so scary. There are a million other things I’m thankful for when it comes to Brian but this is the easiest to mention and least sappy of them all.
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