
Friday, August 13, 2010

Dream Weaver

You'd think I had a past that involved taking acid or something but I have never touched it in my life. My dreams though, are often like what I would imagine an acid trip "flashback" to be like. I had a friend tell me that I would fit in very well with Johnny Depp (more like Tim Burton!) and the weird movies he seems to favor.

I often wake up with just a glimmer of what flowed through my brain during my sleep. Occasionally I remember themes or scenes. A Nordic god-like man riding horseback rolling lightning balls across the desert floor at me; trying to escape a normal house which suddenly turns in to an Alice in Wonderland type scene with puffy, pillowlike moving walls that close in on me full of vivid, crazy colors; walking down a dark neighborhood street that is suddenly underwater and I'm swimming through it all only to finally "escape" to an area within a canyon filled with dead bodies and talking skulls. I know! I know! What a freak, huh? Seriously, I've never done crazy hallucinogenic drugs EVER!

I do dream somewhat normal dreams on occasion though. Either I just don't remember them or they don't occur that frequently. I did have one of note though just yesterday morning. I don't think it was just any old dream though. I think it was Al visiting me in my sleep. Al and I were in the car with me driving as usual. It was 8:30 in the morning and we were obviously not in Tucson but still in the Southwest. I looked at him and said "What do you want to do now?" He said, "Let's go to Hatch and have a late breakfast at the Pepper Pot!" You see, Hatch, NM and the Pepper Pot hold very fond memories for Al & I.

Unfortunately that's when the alarm went off so the dream ends there. I got right in the shower and with my head under the stream of water, I thanked him for coming to me and spending time with me and then proceeded to sob letting the warm water mix with my tears.

I got out of the shower and made my way through the house and out to pick up the daily newspaper from the driveway. Came inside, sat in my recliner and opened the paper to the front page. And there it was. A sign from Al that he really was there with me visiting me in my dream. The story and accompanying picture was all about bats. Yes, bats. And why would that mean anything at all? Well for at least 15-20 years, Al and I had a running inside joke regarding bats. It all stemmed from a neighborhood family we didn't exactly get along with. The grown daughter of the neighbor woman was an exterminator who got in lots of trouble many years ago for killing bats under a bridge in Tucson. She received some very negative press because of it. Ever since she became known as The Bat Killer around our house. From that day forward, any story or sighting of bats would make us break down in laughter heckling each other with "Bat Killer!" I could practically hear him laughing the other morning and calling out those words to me. I smiled and said aloud, "I knew it was you. Thank you honey."

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