I was bored and with my basic cable package knew there’d be nothing of great interest on TV tonight. I logged on to Redbox and nothing really appealed to me. I’m kinda bored with the book I’m reading. Just for the hell of it I checked out what was playing at the movie theatre closest to my house. Hmm, my interest was piqued. Go to the movies by myself? Nooooo. Besides, the next start time for what I wanted to see was only 15 minutes away. Scratch that.
I fed the dogs and goofed around a bit but I couldn’t stop thinking about stepping outside of what’s comfortable and just going to the movies by myself. Checked the times again and said the hell with it, I’m going to do it. I had 25 minutes until the next start time so I grabbed my purse and left for the mall (a five minute trip). I still wasn’t entirely sure I could do this and as I walked through the mall I asked myself if I was really going to the movies or was I going to make a turn and go in to a store within the mall. I was still considering turning around as I was in line to buy my ticket. But then it was my turn and I uttered the words, “One please, for Snow White and the Huntsman.” Crap, I had my ticket and I wasn’t about to waste the $10 I’d just paid so I went in. Well now I was fully committed so why not go the extra mile and hit the snack bar.
I know I’m just self-conscious and probably imagined the guy two seats over looking at me, wondering why I’m there by myself. It only took a minute to regain my composure and focus on the previews and then I was fine. For some people, this is nothing but for me it’s a pretty big milestone. I enjoyed the movie and it was a hell of a lot better than a Redbox night.
Next up……sitting at a sushi bar by myself. Who knows what follows. Does it even matter? All I know is that I stepped outside of my normal and pushed past being uncomfortable. ‘Cuz I’m a solo act bitches, and I can do this!